- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- Five-Year Early Childhood/Special Education, BS/MAT
- Five-Year Elementary Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, BS/MAT
Students enrolled in either major are required to also select one of the following second majors: Art, Biology, English, History, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish, iSTEM (Math/Science/Technology), or Women’s & Gender Studies. Students may also elect to design an interdisciplinary second major.
In order to proceed through the Clinical Practice I (Advanced Core Block/ACB) portion of your program for Elementary or Early Childhood Education (not Urban Education major), you must have a 3.0 GPA and provide documentation demonstrating a requisite scores on one of the state-approved tests of basic skills: SAT, ACT, or Praxis Core.
For more information, see the Certification page.
For students in the Urban Education major, the above requirements must be met before entry into the fourth year of your sequence.